Friday, April 17, 2009

Let It Be Said, This Was the First Post

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls of all ages, and whatever that thing is standing in the back (I'm not sure what it is, but its creeping me out), let me be the first to welcome you to "The Green Is Not Light". What is "TGINL", you ask? Well, Scooter, it is a blog personally dedicated to the analysis, comment, and review of all things pertaining, but not limited to: Comedy, Video Games, Popular Culture, Ghostbusters, and pretty much whatever the hell my motley crew and I decide is worthy of blogging about-which will probably be anything at all...anything; we complain A LOT.

And it has arrived just in time for the Easter season, or just right after, y'know, the period of 30 some-odd days when Jesus hung around after the Resurrection, but before he ascended into Heaven? Figured now, with this new blog and everything, I'd whip this bad boy out for y'all to laugh at and really, stir up some deep thought provoking conversation.

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